My qualifications? I've been a professional manuscript evaluator, in-depth critique giver, copy editor and book reviewer for a well-known literary listing service since the beginning of this century. Yes, people actually pay me to read their manuscripts and tell them what's working and what isn't. I've even helped a few land publishing contracts. It's a great feeling. I've also published non-fiction works, novels and novellas of my own under three different pen names, so I understand what editors are looking for and how to go about giving the reader what she or he wants in a good story.
I'm willing to do the same for you. Contact me at with the words "Editorial Services" in the subject line. Tell me what you need help with, and we'll discuss what I can do for you and your work.
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For more tips to help you become successfully published, read Defeating the Slushpile Monster:
Links to both print and Kindle editions are on my authors page at Amazon: