"What's wrong with my manuscript?" is
a question I hear frequently. My answer, "I don't know. You have to let
me read it--only then can I tell you." My qualifications? I've been a
professional manuscript evaluator, in-depth critique giver, copy editor
and book reviewer for a well-known literary listing service since the
beginning of this century. Yes, people actually pay me to read their
manuscripts and tell them what's working and what isn't. I've even
helped a few land publishing contracts. It's a great feeling. I've also
published non-fiction works, novels and novellas of my own under three
different pen names, so I understand what editors are looking for and
how to go about giving the reader what she or he wants in a good story. I'm willing to do the same for you. Contact me at cynthianna@hotmail.com
with the words "Editorial Services" in the subject line. Tell me what
you need help with, and we'll discuss what I can do for you and your work.
Please sign up for my monthly e-newsletter (submission form on the sidebar). I do a Writer's Q & A forum every issue. I look forward to receiving your questions.
For more tips to help you become successfully published, read Defeating the Slushpile Monster: http://tinyurl.com/slushpile